
Pyromaniac configurations are written as one or more potentially nested components in a custom format that combines YAML, Jinja, and Python. Except for the special meaning of Jinja control structures, any valid Butane configuration is also an equivalent valid Pyromaniac component. Pyromaniac can therefore be considered to be a superset of Butane in practice.

A collection of built-in components are available to you by default. You can read their documentation on the Standard Library page or take a look at their source code as inspiration for your own components.

Since Pyromaniac is implemented in and relies on Python as part of its configuration format, Python terminology will be used to describe data structures in this document: Indexed arrays will be called lists, associative arrays will be called dicts, and the null value will be called None.

Component Sections

Components consist of up to 4 sections, each of them optional. Python-style comments and newlines before and between the sections are ignored.

A component may be completely empty. According to the following rules, an empty component will be interpreted as only having an (empty) YAML section and will therefore evaluate to None. Such a component will not be suitable as a main component which must evaluate to a dict.

First of all, components may start with a docstring describing their functioning, inputs, and output. It only serves the purpose of documentation and doesn’t affect how the component’s output is constructed. The docstring must be a valid static Python string. It must not be a byte string or an f-string. It is advisable to follow the Python convention of employing triple quotes as your string delimiters.

Secondly, a signature may follow describing the input parameters with their types and defaults. It must start with an opening parenthesis and end with a closing one. Details about the syntax, semantics, and type coercion are described on the Signature Section page.

The next possible section is the Python code block. It starts with a line containing exactly three dashes and may close with another such line. If the Python code block is not closed, it must end in an expression whose result the entire component will evaluate to. Details about the syntax and execution context can be found on the Python Section page.

Except for when the component contains an unclosed Python code block, the rest of the component constitutes the YAML section. The YAML section may contain Jinja control structures that will be evaluated to produce the component’s final result. Details about the syntax and execution context can be found on the YAML Section page.

A minimal yet pointless component containing all 4 sections looks as follows. Like the empty component, it evaluates to None.


The Main Component

Pyromaniac’s entrypoint will be your main component. You can pass it via standard input or read it from a file. For multi-component configurations, it is recommended to employ a component named main.pyro and specify a single dot as the first positional command line parameter to Pyromaniac.

The result of the main component will be used to compile the final Ignition file. All Pyromaniac cares about is that your main component evaluates to a dict. Whether you define it in place, construct it by combining a bunch of other components, load it from a TOML file, etc., is up to you. Pyromaniac will finalize the result and feed it to Butane to produce the Ignition output.


Before serializing your main component’s result to YAML as input for Butane, Pyromaniac will process it by executing the following steps.

Pyromaniac will expand all composite keys, raising an error if any conflicting keys are encountered. {"a.b": [{"c.d": 42}], "a.b[1]": 69} will be converted to {'a': {'b': [{'c': {'d': 42}}, 69]}}.

All keys starting with an underscore will recursively be stripped from the dict. You may use them to carry metadata between your components.

Finally, the variant and version fields will be set to fcos and the latest Butane version respectively, if they are not specified in your configuration.

Component Trees

You can organize your Pyromaniac components and files in arbitrarily nested directories. Ideally, every directory should be self-contained i.e., its components shouldn’t reference any data from ancestor directories and instead be parameterized through arguments defined in its signature. Directory and component names must be valid Python identifiers.

Pyromaniac makes it easy to reference components and files relative to the currently evaluated component using the global _ (underscore) variable available in both Python code blocks and the YAML/Jinja section. You’ll find more information about it on the Python Section page.