Pyromaniac is developed in Python and, like Butane, intended to be distributed and run as a container image. It can simply be built by running podman build -t pyromaniac .
in the repository’s root directory.
The project is non-commercial, and contributions are very welcome. Consider opening a GitHub issue first to discuss your ideas and get feedback on whether your changes would be approved.
Pyromaniac is structured as a runnable Python package which is designed to be shipped in a container image based on Butane and the CoreOS Installer.
The code is structured into manageable modules and subpackages to improve separation of concerns and maintainability.
Function signatures are annotated with types. All classes and functions that are supposed to be used outside of their module should be augmented with a reST-formatted docstring.
Imports are ordered by their level of abstraction. A library that is or would be more likely to be used by another one is imported before it.
Any Python code should pass pycodestyle without warnings.
Version Control
Commits and pull requests shall be performed against the dev branch or dedicated feature branches named “feat/” followed by a brief description of the feature in kebab-case. When a stable version is reached, the dev branch may be merged into the main branch.
Commit messages follow a simple version of Conventional Commits. They are not capitalized and shall be prefixed with “feat: “ (for new features and general additions), “fix: “ (for bug fixes), “refactor: “ (for code refactoring), “test: “ (for everything test case related), “docs: “ (for everything documentation related), or “merge: “ (for merge commits). Commit bodies are optional free-form descriptions and explanations of the changes.
Commits that would contain changes from multiple of these categories shall be broken up to match this scheme. Individual commits may introduce temporary restrictions in functionality but should not produce invalid code or malfunction of enabled features.
Python’s built-in unittest framework is used for testing. Test cases shall be placed in the /tests directory, which is not shipped with the container. The test modules are named after the subpackage or module they are providing tests for.
There should be test cases covering all major features of the package. All tests must succeed before code is merged into the main branch.
It is recommended to run the tests directly in the Pyromaniac container:
podman run --rm \
--volume ./pyromaniac:/src/pyromaniac:ro \
--volume ./stdlib:/usr/local/lib/pyromaniac/std:ro \
--volume ./tests:/src/tests:ro \
--workdir /src \
--entrypoint "/usr/bin/python3" \
pyromaniac -m unittest
Whenever a new release is pulled to the main branch, the script should reference the container image with the version number the release will get.
Updates to used Python package, Butane, or the CoreOS Installer should be brought in by bumping up their version number in the pyproject.toml or Containerfile respectively. The unit tests should then be executed, and a new minor release of pyromaniac should be published.
If an update to the CoreOS Installer modifies the command line flags to the iso customize
subcommand, Pyromaniac’s argument parsing needs to be updated to be able to pass them on via the --iso-raw-*
flags. Assuming the format of the iso customize --help
message doesn’t change, the updated list of flags for the argument parser can be generated using the following command:
podman run --rm "${VERSION}" \
iso customize --help \
| sed -n \
-e 's/^ \(-[a-z0-9],\| \) --\([a-z0-9_-]\+\)$/ ("\2", 0),/p' \
-e 's/^ \(-[a-z0-9],\| \) --\([a-z0-9_-]\+\) <.*>$/ ("\2", 1),/p'